Chu the little panda is worried. It will soon be his first day at school and he’s not sure the other kids at school will like him. His parents assure him things will be fine, and at school the teacher has a nice face. The first activity at school is introductions. The teacher asks each student to tell the class their name and one thing they love to do. Everything is drawn on a chalkboard in turn. Jengo the giraffe likes to get things from high places, Pablo the monkey likes climbing, and Tiny the snail likes hiding at home. Chu’s turn finally comes last and by that time the chalkboard has been written and erased many times, leaving lots of dust in the air. Chu illustrates the reason for his name as he releases a sneeze so big the roof of the school is lifted up! But the good-natured teacher and the rest of the class find it was all in good fun, and Chu isn’t worried about his classmates liking him anymore.
Author Neil Gaiman and illustrator Adam Rex are individually known for other works. Neil Gaiman started his author career in graphic novels and has even authored a couple movie scripts. Adam Rex is known as the author and illustrator for many other children’s books, and in recent years published a few titles for young adult readers. This is the first time the two have worked together and indicated by the about the author section at the back of the book, Chu's First Day of School by Neil Gaiman and Adam Rex will not be the last time we will see Chu the panda.
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Chu's First Day of School by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Adam Rex
ISBN: 9780062223975, fully illustrated
Children's Picture Books