Hard labor jobs or jobs where you get dirty are not popular subjects in movies because they're, well, unglamorous. However, most of the workforce in the US still maintains daily life by doing dirty jobs. After doing work as an opera singer, television commercial actor, and spokesman on the shop-from-home network QVC, Mike Rowe came up with a concept for a show that focuses on the day-to-day efforts of those employed in any job that got you dirty. From 2005-2012 he tried his hand at such jobs as sewer inspector, hot tar roofer, coal miner, leather tanner, and many, many more. One episode even featured the salt mines in Hutchinson, Kansas! Dirty Jobs starring Mike Rowe aired on the Discovery Channel.
The library doesn't own a complete collection of the series, but we now have a DVD special on the toughest jobs Mike Rowe ever faced. This retrospective covers 5 episodes in all the careers he's tried over 250 episodes of the show. His snappy comments and go-at-it attitude about every job he tries keeps the viewers coming back. If you've never seen the television show, this DVD is a good way to introduce yourself. And if Mike Rowe seems familiar, it's because he's still on television in commercials for paper towels, as well as narrating and producing the show Deadliest Catch.
You can get the DVD reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit, on the North Campus. This is director Rachel Malay saying, "Thanks for checking us out!"
Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe: Toughest Jobs
ISBN: 9780766258358, 1 disc, 220 minutes
Non-Fiction DVDs