What do you think is the most widely read type of book? Is it the cozy mysteries? Those certainly are checked out a lot at the library! What about self-help books? The “Dummies” series certainly has published a wide variety of topics to help with nearly every situation in life. Actually, the answer is romance. This makes sense when you think of all the locations you see little paperback romance books for sale: WalMart, Dollar General, even roadside gas stations.
And no one has tried to produce a comprehensive documentary on that behemoth of the publishing industry until now. Love Between the Covers may not have been produced by any huge studio, yet since being released about a year ago at film festivals it has earned award after award. The film follows the lives of five published romance authors and one unpublished author as they navigate the changes to the publishing industry and the content of their own genre over the course of the past three years or so. Several names you may not recognize, but nearly any reader out there of contemporary fiction has heard of Nora Roberts – who is featured here.
The film is insightful and engaging, certainly an enrichment to the reading lives of anyone who peruses romance books in any way. Woven between interviews with the featured authors is the story of why people love romance stories so much and how literary fiction plays such an important role in informing people about society and their place in it.
You can get the DVD reviewed here, which was Love Between the Covers, and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”