Not every book at the library is a thick, dense novel. Sometimes a reader just wants a short read, or a bit of encouragement. The library offers many shorter stories and magazines for those with little time to read. If you’re looking for a book you can pick up for 3 minutes at a time, receive a bit of encouragement, and move on to the next activity, why not try this title now available for check out?
Mini Moments with Angels features forty short anecdotes about encounters with angels or thoughts on the existence of angels. On each page is a story, and then a quote and Bible verse relating to the narrative. The author (or collector of the stories), Robert Strand, is quick to point out in his introduction that this slim volume is not meant to encourage worship of angels, but merely encourage and uplift the reader. Indeed, most of the stories focus on the human experience (however ephemeral) but aren't credited and end very quickly after they begin. A few footnotes at the end credit other sources the reader may want to consult for expanded stories with angels.
This book will not appear on the new shelves since it wasn't published recently. To find it you can check our online catalog, or ask a librarian. It will be in the non-fiction section with other books on faith and religion. We always encourage our patrons to browse – our books are free to check out, so take as many as you want! For easy returns, don’t forget our in-wall book and media drop, accessible on the outside of the building.
You can get the book reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit, on the North Campus. The library would like to welcome its newest future reader and congratulate our youth services librarian, Andrea Weidenhaft, on the birth of her first child. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”
Mini Moments with Angels collected by Robert Strand
ISBN: 0892213248
112 pages, adult non-fiction