For the next few weeks I’ll be reviewing books new to our children’s department in honor of summer library program.
Do you know what dragons love to eat best? If you guessed princesses, you’re way off base. Dragons actually love to eat tacos best. The book Dragons Love Tacos says so! That title was so popular the author and illustrator have written another: Dragons Love Tacos 2: the Sequel by Adam Rubin and illustrated by Daniel Salmieri. At the end of the first book the reader was warned about what might happen if a dragon eats spicy salsa, but no one was prepared for the dragons’ voracious appetite.
There is only one taco left in the world, and that one must be protected so it can be planted and new taco trees grow in its place! So, the hero of our tale and his trusty canine companion build a time machine to go back in time and stop the dragons from eating ALL the tacos and trying spicy salsa. Two attempts later the timeline is a little messed up and all the tacos are still gone. A mistake with the time machine produces some silly results, like tacos eating dragons.
Will the world remain taco-less? Give this short picture book a try to find out. In an uncluttered landscape the colored pencil and ink illustrations stand out. There are even a few sight gags for the grown-ups reading the book.
You can get the item reviewed here, Dragons Love Tacos 2: the Sequel by Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri, and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”