The Maze Runner is a young adult dystopian book written by James Dashner. Sixteen year old Thomas wakes up to find himself in complete darkness traveling on a lift. The only thing he can remember about himself is his name, he has no other memories and has no idea how he got where he is. The lift deposits him in an enclosed area called the Glade with about 60 other boys. The boys have survived on their own using farming methods and the supplies given to them on the lift. A new boy arrives every 30 days on the lift. The Glade is surrounded by what the boys call The Maze, which they have been trying to escape for about 2 years. The Grievers are the nightmarish creatures that live in the Maze at night. Every morning the doors to the maze open, and every night they shut. No one has survived a night out in the maze. When a girl arrives on the lift who has ties to Thomas, things begin to change. Thomas starts being looked at as the leader and has to try and figure out how to help them all escape, before everyone gives up hope. Thomas knows he has the answers on how to escape the Maze, he just has to unlock his memories. This fast paced book is great for people who loved The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and City of Ember by Jeanne Duprau. It’s the first in an action packed, fast paced series that will leave you wanting more.
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The Maze Runner by James Dashner
ISBN: 9780385737944, 375 p.
Young Adult Fiction