Library Lending
In order to make materials available to all persons on an equal basis, the Port Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following policy for the circulation of library materials.
Who May Borrow
Anyone who lives within the Central Kansas Library System may receive a library card free and borrow such material as is available from the Port Library without charge when presenting acceptable proof of identity and address, for example: current driver’s license, current rent or utilities hook-up receipt, or mail delivered within preceding 7 days’ time to the address and person indicated on library card registration. (K.S.A. 12-1227)
Those under eighteen (18) must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature in ink on their registration before any material may be checked out. Parents need to be registered themselves at the time they complete registration for their children. Parents may register with their children simultaneously. By signing the registration parents and/or guardians agree to the following: 1) parents/guardians are responsible for maintaining the physical condition of the materials checked out by minors, including loss and damage or overdue fines until such materials reach the check-in desk; 2) the parents/guardians are totally responsible for monitoring the appropriateness of materials their minors check out.
The Port Library, in accordance with its materials selection policy, will select materials on a variety of topics, representing various points of view. Library staff members will not restrict the circulation of materials based on age.
Borrowing privileges may be extended to “non-residents” (out-of-system or out-of state) and “transients” at the discretion of the Director/staff on duty at the time. When deemed advisable, a cash deposit of an amount previously approved by the Board, may be requested. The deposit is to be returned upon full compliance with library regulations on the part of the borrower.
Charges made by other libraries for photocopies, faxes, computer searches, etc. will be passed on to the user.
The Port Library will issue Kansas Library Cards to those persons requesting them. Applicants will have valid registrations on file at the Port Library at the time of the request. Kansas Library Cards may be renewed by Port Library staff or renewed by the patron on line at the KLC login page.
Those under eighteen (18) must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature in ink on their registration before any material may be checked out. Parents need to be registered themselves at the time they complete registration for their children. Parents may register with their children simultaneously. By signing the registration parents and/or guardians agree to the following: 1) parents/guardians are responsible for maintaining the physical condition of the materials checked out by minors, including loss and damage or overdue fines until such materials reach the check-in desk; 2) the parents/guardians are totally responsible for monitoring the appropriateness of materials their minors check out.
The Port Library, in accordance with its materials selection policy, will select materials on a variety of topics, representing various points of view. Library staff members will not restrict the circulation of materials based on age.
Borrowing privileges may be extended to “non-residents” (out-of-system or out-of state) and “transients” at the discretion of the Director/staff on duty at the time. When deemed advisable, a cash deposit of an amount previously approved by the Board, may be requested. The deposit is to be returned upon full compliance with library regulations on the part of the borrower.
Charges made by other libraries for photocopies, faxes, computer searches, etc. will be passed on to the user.
The Port Library will issue Kansas Library Cards to those persons requesting them. Applicants will have valid registrations on file at the Port Library at the time of the request. Kansas Library Cards may be renewed by Port Library staff or renewed by the patron on line at the KLC login page.
Library Registrations and Library Cards
Any patron of any age wishing to borrow materials from the Port Library and use Interlibrary Loan services will need to fill out a registration and be able to sign their name in ink.
Upon successful completion of the registration, a staff member will issue a library card to the patron. The patron will need to sign the back of the large library card. This card must be presented each time the patron wishes to check out, with the exception of children’s cards kept in-house as outlined below.
Patrons will need to present their library card in order to use the public access computers. A separate computer use policy is included elsewhere.
Port Library cards shall expire three years from issuance or renewal, and can be renewed for free at the Port Library any time after expiration, or up to a month before expiration. Staff may ask patrons to review and update registration information upon re-issuance or renewal.
Every patron is responsible for his or her own library card with the exception of patrons under the age of 18. As stated in the previous section, a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must be registered themselves at the time they register their child. The parent or legal guardian may choose:
If a patron loses his or her library card they may be issued a new one by informing the library that the card is lost and paying a fee for replacement. Replacement fees may be found in the full Service Policy, which may be downloaded using the link on the main policies webpage.
Upon successful completion of the registration, a staff member will issue a library card to the patron. The patron will need to sign the back of the large library card. This card must be presented each time the patron wishes to check out, with the exception of children’s cards kept in-house as outlined below.
Patrons will need to present their library card in order to use the public access computers. A separate computer use policy is included elsewhere.
Port Library cards shall expire three years from issuance or renewal, and can be renewed for free at the Port Library any time after expiration, or up to a month before expiration. Staff may ask patrons to review and update registration information upon re-issuance or renewal.
Every patron is responsible for his or her own library card with the exception of patrons under the age of 18. As stated in the previous section, a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must be registered themselves at the time they register their child. The parent or legal guardian may choose:
- to be responsible for their child’s library card,
- may choose to transfer that responsibility to their child, or
- may let the library keep the child’s card in-house.
If a patron loses his or her library card they may be issued a new one by informing the library that the card is lost and paying a fee for replacement. Replacement fees may be found in the full Service Policy, which may be downloaded using the link on the main policies webpage.
First-Time Borrowing
Upon successful completion of the registration the new borrower may check out two (2) items the first time. When these items have been returned in satisfactory condition and timely, the borrower may check out materials according to established policy.
Only those persons eligible for an adult or Young Adult (ages 16 and up) borrower’s card may borrow certain library materials, such as videocassettes, CDs and DVDs from the collection. A request for a cash deposit until the return of borrowed materials or exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Director and/or the Board of Trustees.
Only those persons eligible for an adult or Young Adult (ages 16 and up) borrower’s card may borrow certain library materials, such as videocassettes, CDs and DVDs from the collection. A request for a cash deposit until the return of borrowed materials or exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Director and/or the Board of Trustees.
Length of Loan
Library loan periods are set to allow adequate but not excessive or exclusive use of library materials by patrons. Different types of materials may be used at different rates and as such loan periods are not uniform for each item in the library. Loan periods may be modified at the discretion of the librarian on duty for special circumstances such as vacations, illness, special projects, book clubs, etc. A list of current loan periods follows below:
Library materials, unless otherwise designated, may be borrowed for the following lengths of time:
When possible, responsible teachers may be given extended borrowing privileges. This does not include materials from other libraries such as interlibrary loans. This applies to length of loan and amount of materials checked out at any one time.
Library materials, unless otherwise designated, may be borrowed for the following lengths of time:
- Adult books: 4 weeks, 2 renewals
- Juv. & YA books: 4 weeks, 2 renewals
- ILL materials: depends upon lending library
- Books with a waiting list:1 week, no renewals
- Videocassettes: 1 week, 3 day renewal
- CDs: 2 weeks, 1 renewal
- DVDs: 1 week, 3 day renewal
- Video games: 2 weeks, 1 renewal
- Current year periodicals : 3 days (including day of checkout), no renewals
- Juvenile periodicals: 1 week, no renewals
When possible, responsible teachers may be given extended borrowing privileges. This does not include materials from other libraries such as interlibrary loans. This applies to length of loan and amount of materials checked out at any one time.
Limits on Borrowing
Any one borrower may check out a “reasonable” amount of material at any one time. “Reasonable amount” is left to the discretion of library staff on duty at the time material is presented for check out. Limits may be placed on amounts of library materials allowed out to one patron when staff are aware of special projects or assignments being given to segments of library users.
Material cataloged as reference, rare or historically significant materials or those unsuited for general circulation may be used only in the library and shall be available for use outside the Port Library only by specific permission of the Director.
Borrowing Limits:
Material cataloged as reference, rare or historically significant materials or those unsuited for general circulation may be used only in the library and shall be available for use outside the Port Library only by specific permission of the Director.
Borrowing Limits:
- Books – at the discretion of the librarian on duty and the comfort level of the patron. Our current ILS system has a limit of 30 books per patron, but this limit may be overridden.
- CDs, DVDs, Videocassettes – Three of each format per eligible patron.
- Video Games – Two per eligible patron.
- Interlibrary Loan Items – Three per patron.
Parental Rights
While the library cannot restrict check-out privileges to any patron based on age; and while in the library each patron has the right to look at and read any item in the collection, the library recognizes that a parent or guardian can use their parental right to place restrictions on their child/children’s check-out privileges.
Black’s Law Dictionary defines “parent/guardian”—the lawful father or mother of a person. By statute, “parent” has been defined to include: 1) either the natural father or the natural mother of a child born of a valid marriage to each other; 2) either the adoptive father or the adoptive mother of a child jointly adopted by them; 3) natural mother of an illegitimate child; 4) a child’s putative blood parent who has expressed acknowledged paternity and contributed meaningfully to the child’s support; and 5) any individual or agency whose status as guardian of the person of the child has been established by judicial decree. Black’s further defines “parental rights”—the right to discipline a child, which includes the right to inculcate in the child parent’s moral and ethical standards.
Thus, if a parent or guardian, as defined above, wishes to place restrictions on what their child/children check out of the library he or she must request this in person at the library using the PARENTAL RIGHT FORM, included in the appendices.
Areas that the library can place blocks for the parent/guardian include:
Black’s Law Dictionary defines “parent/guardian”—the lawful father or mother of a person. By statute, “parent” has been defined to include: 1) either the natural father or the natural mother of a child born of a valid marriage to each other; 2) either the adoptive father or the adoptive mother of a child jointly adopted by them; 3) natural mother of an illegitimate child; 4) a child’s putative blood parent who has expressed acknowledged paternity and contributed meaningfully to the child’s support; and 5) any individual or agency whose status as guardian of the person of the child has been established by judicial decree. Black’s further defines “parental rights”—the right to discipline a child, which includes the right to inculcate in the child parent’s moral and ethical standards.
Thus, if a parent or guardian, as defined above, wishes to place restrictions on what their child/children check out of the library he or she must request this in person at the library using the PARENTAL RIGHT FORM, included in the appendices.
Areas that the library can place blocks for the parent/guardian include:
- specific authors
- specific titles of books, magazines, audio/visual materials
- specific rated audio/visual materials
Renewals may be made in person, or over the telephone, by e-mail, or online by the patron through their library ILS login. Materials may be renewed as detailed above in the length of loan section, at the discretion of library staff on duty at the time of request and if there are no reserves for the same materials outstanding. Should a patron request a loan extension after the final renewal period, the materials must be returned and be available on the shelves to other borrowers for at least one full library day, after which the first patron may again check out the materials.
Patrons may be granted renewals of materials one or two days overdue at the discretion of the librarian on duty if no person is on a waiting list and the patron accepts responsibility for overdue fees.
Patrons may be granted renewals of materials one or two days overdue at the discretion of the librarian on duty if no person is on a waiting list and the patron accepts responsibility for overdue fees.
Patrons requesting materials in the library’s permanent collection which are out on loan may place a “reserve” on such materials. Requesting patrons will be notified when materials are available. While on reserve, materials will not be eligible for renewal.
Library materials shall be held for a patron no longer than three days after the patron has been notified, unless other arrangements have been made. After three days, the material shall be available to the next borrower, if there is a waiting list, or shelved.
Library materials shall be held for a patron no longer than three days after the patron has been notified, unless other arrangements have been made. After three days, the material shall be available to the next borrower, if there is a waiting list, or shelved.
Exclusion from Loan
Those persons willfully and consistently abusing library privileges shall be refused borrowing privileges.
The exclusion may be appealed to the Director and/or Port Library Board of Trustees.
The exclusion may be appealed to the Director and/or Port Library Board of Trustees.
In-Wall Return Slot
For the convenience of borrowers returning materials during hours the library is not open, a return slot is located on the southwest corner of the building. For the convenience of the patrons, CDs, DVDs, and cassette tapes may be returned in the “Media” slot. Fines or fees for returning DVDs, Videocassettes, CDs, or Video Games in the book slot will be assessed a fine by the library according to the current fine and fee system, which is made available to patrons upon registration for a library card or any time upon request and can be found at the link from the main policies page. Patrons who return their materials through the book and media return are responsible for the physical condition of the books and media until they are checked in by a staff member.
Library Use Charges and Overdue Fines
An overdue fine, the amount to be determined by the Port Library Board, shall be assessed on all library materials not returned when due. Fines shall accumulate to a maximum equal to the cost of replacement of materials not returned. Notice of overdue materials will be given a borrower when possible, but failure to receive such notice shall not excuse the patron from fines.
The purpose of fines for overdue items at the Port Library is to provide a financial reminder to the patron to return items on time. Often, courtesy verbal and written reminders from the staff take valuable time and monetary resources away from the library. The library does not wish to discriminate against a patron’s income; therefore any fines imposed are set at reasonably low limits and staff is able to set fine or fee amounts lower than the current rate or waive or delay fines and fees to allow continued circulation.
Borrowers failing to return library materials in accord with library policy, including failure to pay fines and/or damages, will be excluded from library service until materials are returned and all fines and/or damages have been paid.
Damages to library materials beyond normal wear, including writing in materials, defacing and mutilating same, and all losses of library materials shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Director.
Damaged library materials may be paid for in one of the following ways:
Lost books may be paid for by either option #2 or #3 above. All other library materials, including periodicals, video and audio cassettes, CDs and DVDs, if lost, shall be paid for in an amount equal to the current cost of replacement and never less than the cost to the library when originally purchased.
A charge for copying, computer printouts, research and specific other services may be established by the Board of Trustees and/or Director.
The library charges a fee or cost recovery for certain services. The fees are:
Photocopies: 8 ½ by 11 first side 15 cents each
8 ½ by 11 second side 5 cents each
8 ½ by 14 first side 25 cents each
8 ½ by 14 second side 5 cents each
Microfilm copies to paper 25 cents each side
Public Access Computer Printing 15 cents each side for black and white
These fees apply to both black and white and color copies. Maximum 50 printed and/or copied pages per day.
Interlibrary Loan:
Actual charges for photocopies, computer searches, special return processes require by the lender, etc. shall be paid by the patron.
Genealogy Research:
We charge $3.00 per half hour or portion thereof for search time plus any other actual costs for photocopies, postage, etc.
Test Proctoring:
Patrons who arrange for a librarian to act as a test proctor are encouraged but not required to make a donation to the librarian. It is suggested that the librarian split the donation between him/herself and the library.
The current fines are as follows:
The above fines are per item, accrue starting 1 day after the item is due, and continue up to the replacement cost of the item. A “day” constitutes a working day the library is open.
The current fees and other charges not listed elsewhere are as follows:
The purpose of fines for overdue items at the Port Library is to provide a financial reminder to the patron to return items on time. Often, courtesy verbal and written reminders from the staff take valuable time and monetary resources away from the library. The library does not wish to discriminate against a patron’s income; therefore any fines imposed are set at reasonably low limits and staff is able to set fine or fee amounts lower than the current rate or waive or delay fines and fees to allow continued circulation.
Borrowers failing to return library materials in accord with library policy, including failure to pay fines and/or damages, will be excluded from library service until materials are returned and all fines and/or damages have been paid.
Damages to library materials beyond normal wear, including writing in materials, defacing and mutilating same, and all losses of library materials shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Director.
Damaged library materials may be paid for in one of the following ways:
- Pay current cost of rebinding if the condition of the book permits.
- Pay current retail price of the materials new.
- Patron may purchase a new replacement copy and give this to the library.
Lost books may be paid for by either option #2 or #3 above. All other library materials, including periodicals, video and audio cassettes, CDs and DVDs, if lost, shall be paid for in an amount equal to the current cost of replacement and never less than the cost to the library when originally purchased.
A charge for copying, computer printouts, research and specific other services may be established by the Board of Trustees and/or Director.
The library charges a fee or cost recovery for certain services. The fees are:
Photocopies: 8 ½ by 11 first side 15 cents each
8 ½ by 11 second side 5 cents each
8 ½ by 14 first side 25 cents each
8 ½ by 14 second side 5 cents each
Microfilm copies to paper 25 cents each side
Public Access Computer Printing 15 cents each side for black and white
These fees apply to both black and white and color copies. Maximum 50 printed and/or copied pages per day.
Interlibrary Loan:
Actual charges for photocopies, computer searches, special return processes require by the lender, etc. shall be paid by the patron.
Genealogy Research:
We charge $3.00 per half hour or portion thereof for search time plus any other actual costs for photocopies, postage, etc.
Test Proctoring:
Patrons who arrange for a librarian to act as a test proctor are encouraged but not required to make a donation to the librarian. It is suggested that the librarian split the donation between him/herself and the library.
The current fines are as follows:
- Books and magazines: $0.05/day.
- CDs and Video Games: $0.05/day.
- DVDs: $0.50/day.
- Electronic Devices: $5.00/day.
The above fines are per item, accrue starting 1 day after the item is due, and continue up to the replacement cost of the item. A “day” constitutes a working day the library is open.
The current fees and other charges not listed elsewhere are as follows:
- Replacement processing fee (added to replacement cost): $3.00/item.
- Repair or damage fees: charged at discretion of staff member on duty or director at the time the item is returned.
- Library Card Replacement Fee: $2.50
- E-Reader refundable deposit: $10.00