Schafer Room Use
The Port Library Shafer Room shall be available for meetings of responsible community groups and organizations at the discretion of the Director and/or Trustee Board upon written or telephone request. A library employee need not be present after hours, upon approval of the director. A key for the front doors only will be issued to the group using the room. The group must pay a refundable deposit and sign an agreement, found in the index.
Exceptions to these policies are possible only by permission of the Port Library Board of Trustees.
- Meetings held in the room must be held with no admission charge.
- Commercial use, fund raising, or direct sales of items will not be allowed except for program or sales sponsored by the library.
- Light refreshments excluding alcoholic beverages may be served but organizations are required to provide their own utensils.
- Organizations requiring audiovisual equipment beyond library-owned projectors, laptops, or screens will make their own arrangements; the library does not provide these.
- The organization will be responsible for setting up the rooms according to its own needs. The Library staff will bear no responsibility.
- The organization or group using the room must restore the furniture and room to the order in which it was found.
- All publicity (e.g. poster, brochures, throw-aways, radio or TV announce-ments) must carry the name of the organization sponsoring the meeting.
- The Library may not be identified as the sponsor.
- Youth organizations using the meeting room must have one adult (over 21) present at all times.
- If a meeting is canceled, the Director should be notified as soon as possible.
- The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.
- No smoking is permitted in the Schafer Room or any place in the Library.
- If a hearing-impaired person requests at least one week in advance, the group or organization using the reading room must provide a signer or interpreter.
- No group or organization using the meeting room will discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or handicapped status in the provision of service.
Exceptions to these policies are possible only by permission of the Port Library Board of Trustees.
In-House Computer Use and Wireless Signal Policy
A. Purpose
The Port Library offers access to the internet to allow users to connect to electronic information that may enhance library research and services.
B. Disclaimer
Library patrons use it at their own risk. The Port Library cannot censor access to materials or protect users from materials they may find offensive. We do not accept responsibility for its content. The Port Library is not responsible for injury or damages, direct or indirect, to individuals or groups resulting from use of the public access computers or wireless signal. The Port Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected materials. The Port Library also affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of library materials and resources.
C. Responsibilities of Users
Courtesy and respect for other patrons and staff, for equipment, the facility, the research environment, and for the computing network are required.
The public access computers and laptops are available exclusively for use with the available software, which may include but is not limited to various internet browsers, word processing programs, or other software applications the library may elect to install. The public access computers and laptops may not be used for installing personal software applications or games and such other operations staff on duty may determine are inappropriate. The library does NOT provide individuals with an email address, nor do any of the public access computers and laptops have email addresses assigned to them. Library users are encouraged to use a web-based email program or internet-based remote email accessing websites.
The Port Library reserves the right to interrupt a user’s time on the workstation if library staff need access to the computer for any reason. Generally, Internet computer access is available during regular library hours unless technical difficulties are encountered.
As in other areas of the library, food and/or drink are not to be in the vicinity of the workstation.
Fees for printing and page limits can be found in the link to the full service policy on the main policies page.
Signers of the library card application who have indicated agreement with the Port Library Computer Use Policy assume responsibility for the cost of replacement and/or repair of any and all computers and/or computer-related items lost or damaged while in use by signers or members of their family.
Unacceptable use of the computer for internet access will result in the loss of computer privileges.
Unacceptable use includes but is not limited to:
Violations of policies will be dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner.
Illegal acts involving Port Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
D. Staff Assistance
The Port Library staff will assist patrons with internet use and searching as time permits. Library staff may not be familiar with all computer applications. Formal instruction or information on internet and computer use may be obtained through books available in the library or by contacting knowledgeable and willing library staff ahead of time for personal tutoring.
E. Conditions and Terms of Use in the Library
Users must check out a computer or laptop at the circulation desk by presenting their valid library card before using the computer and have had the opportunity to read the Port Library’s Internet Access Policy as part of their registration and agreed to the policy by checking the appropriate box on the r library card application. If a user is a minor the age of 12 or under, one of their parents/guardians must indicate agreement for them on their child’s library card application and be present at the workstation while the minor is using the computer. Users ages 13-18 must have one of their parents/guardians agree to this policy by indicating on their child’s library registration and sign their child’s registration. Any child under 18 using the public access computers or laptops must also have indicated their agreement with the Port Library Computer Use Policy on their library registration.. This policy does not cover the AWE computers or tablets.
Members of the public not registered as Port Library card holders may access the public access computers by signing their name and date in the logbooks associated with each computer. Staff will review basic computer guidelines and make the library’s computer policy available to the patron. Any member of the public who does not have a library card but signs the computer logbook to access a public computer is still bound by the library’s policy on computer use.
It is possible to determine the information accessed by users and no user should expect that any communications or any other use of the computer is private or confidential in any way. The Port Library reserves the right to question what is accessed in a public setting. It is not acceptable to view pornographic materials on library computers, and patrons will immediately be asked to leave the library if they willingly visit pornographic websites or otherwise access pornographic content on library computers. The Port Library maintains filters on all public access computers and restricts young patrons from unsupervised use, in accordance with KS-CIPA.
The Port Library supports the elements of copyright law.
Users may NOT install their own software programs on the public access computers
Patrons should notify library staff immediately if problems arise. Patrons should not attempt to “fix” problems.
Should library staff determine that a patron does not possess basic skills necessary to properly use equipment, the patron will be asked to discontinue computer use until proper knowledge is demonstrated.
Failure to comply with the Port Library Internet Access Policy and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement will result in forfeiture of further use of the computer.
F. Wireless Internet Signal Use
The library provides free access to a password protected wireless Internet signal (wireless). The password is available from a librarian and is changed periodically at the discretion of the library. Patrons are expected to sign in to access this signal. By signing their name, patrons acknowledge this policy and agree to its terms.
1. The library understands that current signal strength is adequate for patrons to access the wireless outside library walls. Outside library areas the library is not responsible for the actions of persons using the wireless.
2. Patrons are expected to know how to operate and troubleshoot their own technology receiving the library wireless signal. Patrons may ask for assistance with the password, but library employees are not trained in various computer hardware and/or software and are not expected to provide one-on-one training or troubleshooting.
3. Supervision of minors using the wireless is the responsibility of the parent or guardian; the library is not responsible for objectionable content or information minors may access using the wireless. All information accessed while using the wireless is considered public information.
4. Library employees, trustees, and volunteers will respect a patron’s right to privacy and not monitor a patron’s use of the wireless, unless that patron has:
Behaved in a manner that makes library personnel suspicious of illegal activity or,
Makes librarians and surrounding public uncomfortable or been previously warned to stop.
Library employees or trustees have the right at any time to question unusual patron behavior related to using the wireless signal.
5. While the Port Library does not monitor or censor information available via the wireless signal, the library expects patrons not to access obscene or illegal web sites or their content. The library does not accept responsibility for offense that patrons find if they view obscene or illegal web sites or content on their own wireless devices. However, if a patron offends other library users by accessing and making visually available objectionable or obscene material the offending patron will be asked to leave the building.
6. Patrons shall not abuse library equipment, hardware, or property while accessing the wireless. Abuse also includes:
Accessing Internet sites that take an unusually large part of the bandwidth signal.
Tampering with wireless security, encryption, or settings should patrons gain the knowledge to do so.
Accessing and/or tampering with hardware necessary to transmit the wireless signal.
7. Patrons shall recognize intellectual property rights and will not use the wireless to knowingly copy or download copyright protected information to their personal internet-connected machine.
8. Unacceptable behavior by patrons will result in forfeiture of library wireless use privileges for a length of time to be determined by the director, and may also result in forfeiture of any library computer use. Illegal acts involving Port Library computing resources (including the wireless) may also be subject to protection by local, state, or federal authorities.
9. Library employees and trustees have the responsibility to not let personal convictions contrary to library goals and policies dictate how they enforce library policy.
The Port Library offers access to the internet to allow users to connect to electronic information that may enhance library research and services.
B. Disclaimer
Library patrons use it at their own risk. The Port Library cannot censor access to materials or protect users from materials they may find offensive. We do not accept responsibility for its content. The Port Library is not responsible for injury or damages, direct or indirect, to individuals or groups resulting from use of the public access computers or wireless signal. The Port Library upholds and affirms the right of each individual to have access to constitutionally protected materials. The Port Library also affirms the right and responsibility of parents to determine and monitor their children’s use of library materials and resources.
C. Responsibilities of Users
Courtesy and respect for other patrons and staff, for equipment, the facility, the research environment, and for the computing network are required.
The public access computers and laptops are available exclusively for use with the available software, which may include but is not limited to various internet browsers, word processing programs, or other software applications the library may elect to install. The public access computers and laptops may not be used for installing personal software applications or games and such other operations staff on duty may determine are inappropriate. The library does NOT provide individuals with an email address, nor do any of the public access computers and laptops have email addresses assigned to them. Library users are encouraged to use a web-based email program or internet-based remote email accessing websites.
The Port Library reserves the right to interrupt a user’s time on the workstation if library staff need access to the computer for any reason. Generally, Internet computer access is available during regular library hours unless technical difficulties are encountered.
As in other areas of the library, food and/or drink are not to be in the vicinity of the workstation.
Fees for printing and page limits can be found in the link to the full service policy on the main policies page.
Signers of the library card application who have indicated agreement with the Port Library Computer Use Policy assume responsibility for the cost of replacement and/or repair of any and all computers and/or computer-related items lost or damaged while in use by signers or members of their family.
Unacceptable use of the computer for internet access will result in the loss of computer privileges.
Unacceptable use includes but is not limited to:
- violation of any local, state, or federal law or regulations,
- gaining access to or using resources for which the user has no authorization,
- disrupting the work and/or use of the network and computer by others,
- promoting commercial ventures for personal profit,
- harassing, denigrating, or showing hostility to another,
- unauthorized copying of copyright-protected material,
- destruction or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the library.
Violations of policies will be dealt with in a timely and appropriate manner.
Illegal acts involving Port Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
D. Staff Assistance
The Port Library staff will assist patrons with internet use and searching as time permits. Library staff may not be familiar with all computer applications. Formal instruction or information on internet and computer use may be obtained through books available in the library or by contacting knowledgeable and willing library staff ahead of time for personal tutoring.
E. Conditions and Terms of Use in the Library
Users must check out a computer or laptop at the circulation desk by presenting their valid library card before using the computer and have had the opportunity to read the Port Library’s Internet Access Policy as part of their registration and agreed to the policy by checking the appropriate box on the r library card application. If a user is a minor the age of 12 or under, one of their parents/guardians must indicate agreement for them on their child’s library card application and be present at the workstation while the minor is using the computer. Users ages 13-18 must have one of their parents/guardians agree to this policy by indicating on their child’s library registration and sign their child’s registration. Any child under 18 using the public access computers or laptops must also have indicated their agreement with the Port Library Computer Use Policy on their library registration.. This policy does not cover the AWE computers or tablets.
Members of the public not registered as Port Library card holders may access the public access computers by signing their name and date in the logbooks associated with each computer. Staff will review basic computer guidelines and make the library’s computer policy available to the patron. Any member of the public who does not have a library card but signs the computer logbook to access a public computer is still bound by the library’s policy on computer use.
It is possible to determine the information accessed by users and no user should expect that any communications or any other use of the computer is private or confidential in any way. The Port Library reserves the right to question what is accessed in a public setting. It is not acceptable to view pornographic materials on library computers, and patrons will immediately be asked to leave the library if they willingly visit pornographic websites or otherwise access pornographic content on library computers. The Port Library maintains filters on all public access computers and restricts young patrons from unsupervised use, in accordance with KS-CIPA.
The Port Library supports the elements of copyright law.
Users may NOT install their own software programs on the public access computers
Patrons should notify library staff immediately if problems arise. Patrons should not attempt to “fix” problems.
Should library staff determine that a patron does not possess basic skills necessary to properly use equipment, the patron will be asked to discontinue computer use until proper knowledge is demonstrated.
Failure to comply with the Port Library Internet Access Policy and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement will result in forfeiture of further use of the computer.
F. Wireless Internet Signal Use
The library provides free access to a password protected wireless Internet signal (wireless). The password is available from a librarian and is changed periodically at the discretion of the library. Patrons are expected to sign in to access this signal. By signing their name, patrons acknowledge this policy and agree to its terms.
1. The library understands that current signal strength is adequate for patrons to access the wireless outside library walls. Outside library areas the library is not responsible for the actions of persons using the wireless.
2. Patrons are expected to know how to operate and troubleshoot their own technology receiving the library wireless signal. Patrons may ask for assistance with the password, but library employees are not trained in various computer hardware and/or software and are not expected to provide one-on-one training or troubleshooting.
3. Supervision of minors using the wireless is the responsibility of the parent or guardian; the library is not responsible for objectionable content or information minors may access using the wireless. All information accessed while using the wireless is considered public information.
4. Library employees, trustees, and volunteers will respect a patron’s right to privacy and not monitor a patron’s use of the wireless, unless that patron has:
Behaved in a manner that makes library personnel suspicious of illegal activity or,
Makes librarians and surrounding public uncomfortable or been previously warned to stop.
Library employees or trustees have the right at any time to question unusual patron behavior related to using the wireless signal.
5. While the Port Library does not monitor or censor information available via the wireless signal, the library expects patrons not to access obscene or illegal web sites or their content. The library does not accept responsibility for offense that patrons find if they view obscene or illegal web sites or content on their own wireless devices. However, if a patron offends other library users by accessing and making visually available objectionable or obscene material the offending patron will be asked to leave the building.
6. Patrons shall not abuse library equipment, hardware, or property while accessing the wireless. Abuse also includes:
Accessing Internet sites that take an unusually large part of the bandwidth signal.
Tampering with wireless security, encryption, or settings should patrons gain the knowledge to do so.
Accessing and/or tampering with hardware necessary to transmit the wireless signal.
7. Patrons shall recognize intellectual property rights and will not use the wireless to knowingly copy or download copyright protected information to their personal internet-connected machine.
8. Unacceptable behavior by patrons will result in forfeiture of library wireless use privileges for a length of time to be determined by the director, and may also result in forfeiture of any library computer use. Illegal acts involving Port Library computing resources (including the wireless) may also be subject to protection by local, state, or federal authorities.
9. Library employees and trustees have the responsibility to not let personal convictions contrary to library goals and policies dictate how they enforce library policy.