We have a small selection of books at the library that rotates, and this week’s review is of a children’s book that will be here only until mid-October.
How many of my readers have heard of the classic children’s story A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett? The library even has a movie version of this well-known tale starring Shirley Temple.
In the story a young English girl named Sarah Crewe lives with her father in India where the family is wealthy. She is put in a wealthy boarding school in England, but some time later her father and the family fortune presumed lost. Sarah is made to work as a servant in her former boarding school. Sarah’s continued gracious and sunny attitude along with a few friends she still has at the boarding school help her through. Later the business partner of Sarah’s father finally discovers Sarah and it is revealed that Sarah’s father is actually still alive in India and the investments have paid off. Sarah leaves the boarding school to go to India once again.
We find out in this sequel what has happened to all the friends Sarah made and still has at the boarding school in England.
The original story was written in 1905 but this sequel was published in 2009. There are differences in tone, but the overall sweet impression remains. This title would be a good follow up to any of my young readers who have read A Little Princess, or any adult fans of the vintage classic.
You can get the book reviewed here, which was Wishing for Tomorrow by Hilary McKay, and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”