James Patterson may be the most prolific popular author at this time, and his publishing rate certainly isn’t slowing down. When his son was in high school the author discovered his teen didn’t like to read, and began writing and publishing very readable adventure books for the young adult market. His Daniel X series is about a young teenage boy without parents who spends his time using supernatural powers to battle intergalactic monsters. Now the last in the series has been published: Daniel X: Lights Out by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein. Daniel has been systematically taking out the universe’s worst aliens, demons, and evil guys responsible for his parents’ deaths. Aided by four imaginary friends that lend him extra powers, Daniel is down to the worst and last bad guy, called simply The Prayer. Part giant bug and part all-powerful evil beast, this story’s main characters waste no time in jumping into the action, starting on page one! Each chapter is only a few pages long so even reluctant teenage readers can make progress quickly. This book definitely ends the series, but the action in the middle keeps you guessing right up until the (happy) ending.
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