You can count on Lemony Snicket to deliver a story just a little offbeat. His Series of Unfortunate Events books didn’t shy away from presenting a tragic and sometimes dark storyline, aimed at grade school children. Since then he’s come out with another series for grade school readers, but also ventured into picture books, with one winning an award. His latest picture book is just as quirky.
Goldfish Ghost follows an unnamed ghost of a goldfish who floats upside down, illustrated in black and white, through a world of color. Lisa Brown does the illustrations. Goldfish Ghost floats up from an abandoned bowl in the empty room of a little boy who lives in a seaside town. After a time Goldfish Ghost gets lonely as there’s no one to talk to in the boy’s room, and floats out the window. The gulls at the pier ignore the ghosty fish, so he floats on the breeze into town and back out to the seashore, but everyone here ignores him floating silently above them. Out at sea all the fish ghosts floating upside down above the waves are friendly enough, but it’s not quite home for Goldfish Ghost. After attempting to return to his old bowl and finding it occupied by a new living fish, Goldfish Ghost finally heeds the call from the haunted lighthouse. Who could be calling from all the way up there?
You can get the item reviewed here, which was Goldfish Ghost by Lemony Snicket, with illustrations by Lisa Brown, and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”