In Search of Jeremy by Melodye Faith Hathaway was originally published as an e-book. Now revised and republished in physical format, the library will have one copy to circulate, and one copy to stay in the Kansas and Genealogy room.
In 1977 Melody Coots was a young pregnant mother living with her husband and deaf toddler in Atchison, Kansas. She worked in town, but luckily had a friend who lived a few miles away in the country near Sumner, Kansas who would watch the young Jeremy. February 17 dawned as an unusually mild day, mild enough for the babysitter to let Jeremy and her own son out to play out back. At the back of the yard was a wooded, brambly area with a steep cliff, leading toward the Missouri river. Sometime in the afternoon, Jeremy and his playmate were separated. Jeremy couldn’t be found. The search stretched into the night, and the next day. The weather took a turn for the worst. The National Guard and even a search and rescue dog came in but eventually 5 days passed with no findings. No trace of Jeremy was ever found, but life went on for Melodye. The last half of the book tells of Melodye’s journey to let Jeremy go, even without a definite ending. This true story is heart wrenching but ultimately uplifting.
You can get the book reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit, on the North Campus. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”
In Search of Jeremy by Melodye Faith Hathaway
ISBN: 9781492199359, 262 pages
Kansas Collection Memoir (Non-Fiction)