Published in 2010, In With the Devil by James Keene tells a thrilling true story of crime, punishment, intrigue, and redemption. Keene grew up the small town hero, star athlete in school, and the son of a well-known cop in a small town just outside Chicago. However, in high school and college he got into drugs and then small time drug dealing. As an adult it caught up to him and in 1997 James Keene was sent to prison with a ten year sentence and little chance for parole. However, his charismatic personality, likeability, and ability to make friends caught the attention of the very prosecutor who had sent Keen to prison a year earlier. In a Federal Medical Center for Prisoners a state away sat Larry Hall, a man the government knew had committed serial murders. Trouble was, Hall wasn’t opening up to anyone. James Keene had an opportunity and a choice: voluntarily go undercover to the psychiatric hospital/prison and try to befriend and get a confession from Larry Hall, or sit in local prison for ten years or more. There was a chance for early release if Keene was successful. With his situation in jail and at home changing Keene took the government up on the offer. As fast paced as any thriller in the fiction section, this title is absolutely all true, and will be shelved with the library’s other true crime novels.
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In with the Devil by James Keene
ISBN: 9780312551032, 254 pages, photographs
Adult True Crime (Non-Fiction)