Playing the guitar is a skill and talent many people pick up when they are young, or have time to learn. Lessons with an instructor face to face are usually the best way to learn, if you have the time and an instrument. However, if your schedule is tricky, or you don’t have the money for a private lesson learning can go slowly. The library now has three instructional DVDs on mastering the guitar (electric and acoustic), bass, and fingerstyle (or classical) guitar. Each DVD boasts that the learner can master the basics and some advanced techniques in only 8 weeks, though of course one can go slower than that. The 8 week method is intended for students who can practice 30-40 minutes, 3-4 days a week. Lessons start with tuning the instrument, then show how to read tab style musical notation, before going into various techniques. Further support can be found online at an accompanying website. Instructor Jason Shepherd has taught guitar for the past 15 years, though in 2001 he realized that many aspiring guitar players had the drive but not the money for traditional lessons. He created his video series and now the library has available for checkout the 2013 version. The checkout time for videos is one week at the library, although any DVD can be checked out again the day after it is returned.
You can get the book reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”
Jason Shepherd's Learn Guitar in 8 Weeks [DVD]
1 disc
Non-fiction DVDs