Everyone will be returning to their regular (if sometimes hectic) routines after the holidays, but the still cold winter weather provides plenty of time to spend time indoors reading! If my parents and grandparents of younger children out there find they have a few minutes to sit and read, the following titles will give a few minutes’ distraction on a sweet subject. Daddy Loves You! and Mommy Loves You! by P. K. Hallinan are companion board books centered around the same theme: the love parents show to their children every day. Reading these books aloud gives the reader an excuse to tell their young listener just how much they love them and in what ways. Mommy Loves You! goes through different situations, indoors and out and describes the way mommy loves you, from loving the way a child plays nicely with others, to having fun in the backyard. In Daddy Loves You! the situations are similar, but geared slightly more towards the way a child plays, runs and jumps. The story also includes going off to work and returning again. If you’re a grandparent, simply replace mommy and daddy with grandma and grandpa, and the story still applies. Soft pencil and watercolor illustrations accompany each page if this small board book and keep the story soft and light.
You can get the book reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit, on the North Campus. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”
Mommy Loves You! and Daddy Loves You! by P. K. Hallinan
ISBN: 9780824918958 (Mommy) and 9780824918965 (Daddy), fully illustrated
Children's board books