A Caldecott Medal winning book published in 1995, Officer Buckle and Gloria is a top 100 teacher’s pick, named by the National Education Association in 2007. This book has stood the test of time very well. Officer Buckle is in charge of safety, and prides himself on keeping a list of every safety tip he can think of. He goes to area schools to give presentations to children on safety tips, but no one seems to listen, not even the teachers. The police department assigns Officer Buckle a police dog named Gloria. Gloria is a small-ish German shepherd, and Officer Buckle is glad to have a companion. The first safety presentation after Gloria joins is a surprise though. The students actually seem to be paying attention! What Officer Buckle can’t see is that behind him and his boring presentation, Gloria is hilariously acting out the awful consequences of not following the safety tips. Officer Buckle’s presentations get more and more popular until a college comes to record one. Later on the TV Officer Buckle realizes Gloria has been the star of the show all along, and sadly he steps out of the next presentation. The kids are once again bored with only a mute Gloria on stage. Everyone forgets the safety tips and there is a big accident! Letters come pouring in, and Officer Buckle realizes his best safety tip yet: always stick with your buddy!
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