A New York Time’s Best Seller, Plant a Kiss by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, is a fun children’s storybook that plays up rhyming words, vocabulary, and simple fun pictures. It even has a good example of punctuation! Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, who also does the Judy Moody series, the pictures are simple with small splashes of color.
Little Miss plants a kiss. She waits and watches it grow, inviting her friends to watch too. At last, she sees a sprout! She decides to share her growing kiss. She fills up her bowl and begins walking around giving some to everyone till her bowl is empty. She thinks the kiss is completely gone until she goes back to where she planted it. The kiss is bigger than ever and an endless supply! She fills up her bowl again and goes on her way!
Amy Krouse Rosenthal has written many children’s and adult books. Her books are wonderful because most of them contain an important life lesson that children go through and how to handle them in a positive way. A fun series written by her include Little Pea, Little Hoot, and Little Oink. These three are a fun twist on eating healthy, going to bed, and picking up after yourself. Teach your children how to behave with these fun picture books!
You can get the book reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit, on the North Campus.
Plant a Kiss by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
ISBN: 9780061986758
Children's Picture Book, 40 pages, illustrated