In her debut book, Plum Deadly, new author Ellie Grant weaves elements of a murder mystery, romance, and family drama into one story. Successful businesswoman Maggie Grady is forced from her banking job when she is accused of cooking the books. Maggie retreats to her Aunt Clara’s in the South and cooking of a different kind – pie making. Aunt Clara sees this as an opportunity to lure Maggie to the family business, while Maggie herself is trying her best to return to the financial world. It seems Maggie is saved when her old boss Lou calls to say he’s found the real crook. The only problem is, before Lou can exonerate Maggie he’s found dead behind Aunt Clara’s pie shop. Now Maggie is in the spotlight again, as are Aunt Clara’s pies! Add into the mix a local reporter who may have more than just a journalistic interest in Maggie and this story just about has it all! An epilogue at the end of the book lures readers neatly into the next story in the series, which hasn’t been published yet. In the meantime, readers can try the piecrust, lemon meringue, cherry, and coconut custard pie recipes.
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Plum Deadly by Ellie Grant
ISBN: 9781451689556, 296 pages.
Adult Mystery