Happy last day of school to everyone out there! Remember this summer the library will always be a nice, quiet, cool place to relax in between your busy plans.
Nolo law guides provide practical, accurate information to beginners and those inexperienced with legal situations. Updated in February of this year The Executor’s Guide: Settling a Loved One’s Estate or Trust by Mary Randolph is a practical guide for those who have been named executor years in advance of the passing of a loved one, or even if you unexpectedly find yourself in this complicated situation. And, although this is a legal guide it takes into account that being an executor involves dealing with emotional people with tact and care. The guide is very thorough and starts by defining what an executor is and their legal responsibilities. It then starts with the basic steps from just hours after a person has passed away, dealing with funerals, then the will or other legal documents, and finally life insurance or other benefits. A large section walks readers through what to do if there was no will but there was an estate to manage, paying bills, setting up the estate for children, and dealing with taxes. The rest of the book deals with transferring property and trust estates. Throughout the text there are example worksheets to organize information, flowcharts to help you decide which direction to go, and helpful tips and shortcuts.
Another title in the library’s collection which may be helpful is How to divide your family's estate and heirlooms peacefully and sensibly by Julie Hall, published in 2011 or The Caregiver’s Companion by Carolyn Hart, published in 2015.
You can get the book reviewed here, which was The Executor’s Guide: Settling a Loved One’s Estate or Trust by Mary Randolph, plus the others mentioned and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”