If you’re looking for a new book to read in nearly every sense, The Gilded Cage by Lucinda Gray should be right up your alley. This is a book published under a pseudonym, so not much on the author can be found. Amazon credits two other Spanish language books to her, but The Gilded Cage seems to be the first English language book. It is targeted at young adult readers, but the setting and genres in can be classified into are usually seen in classic novels read by adults.
Katherine Randolph is the nearly grown daughter of a farming family in 1820s Virginia, when the death of an unknown grandfather in England calls her and her brother George back to Walthingham Hall to inherit an estate and titles. But when her brother is mysteriously killed in a winter hunting accident Katherine’s world is once again turned on edge. A poacher prowls the estate, searching for a rumored wild animal on the grounds while Katherine hangs on to the last shreds of her sanity, searching for her brother’s killer. Can she trust her newly found cousin? How about the young, brooding estate lawyer? Parts historical novel, thriller, murder mystery, and gothic this fast paced book will keep you reading right up to the climax in the last few pages of the book. And because it’s a young adult novel the length isn’t too long nor are there any truly gory or steamy scenes.
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