Ken Burns is a documentary filmmaker whose works are now mostly featured on PBS. He rose to fame with his epic miniseries on the Civil War. Since then, he has done many more documentaries on jazz, baseball, the National Parks and more. Most recently seen last fall on PBS is The Roosevelts: An Intimate History. Quite lengthy at 14 hours, this film chronicles the lives of Theodore “Teddy”, Franklin, and Eleanor Roosevelt and weaves the story of three lives into one narrative. Beginning in 1858 with Theodore’s birth and ending in 1962 with Eleanor’s death this seven-part series covers the Roosevelt’s influence in the National Parks, Panama Canal, New Deal programs, defeat of Hitler, and the struggle for civil rights. Ken Burns excels at covering large narratives with personal touches, and this compelling documentary is no exception. Paul Giamatti recreates Theodore, while Franklin is portrayed by Edward Herrmann and Meryl Streep plays Eleanor.The library also has available the companion book which follows the series on the written page. The film comes on seven discs in two cases. Check out time is one week, so unless you have time set aside, plan on checking one part out at a time.
You can get the DVD reviewed here and more great titles to watch, read, listen to, or play with at the Port Library at 1718 N. Hersey in Beloit. This is director Rachel Malay, saying “Thanks for checking us out!”
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History (DVD) by Ken Burns
ISBN: 9781627890502, 14 hours on 7 discs
Non-Fiction DVDs