Too Much Glue by Jason Lefebvre is a story about a boy named Matty, who loves to use glue. His art teacher warms him all the time that too much glue will never dry and that he should use less. But at Matty’s house things are different. Matty and his parents make all kinds of crafts out of glue. Glue glasses, glue mustaches, and much more. The next day in art class, Matty uses two full bottles of glue on his project. Then Matty jumps right into the huge glue puddle! He rolls around on the table until he is completely covered. When he decides he is ready to go to the drying rack, he is stuck to the table! Matty’s teacher is frantic.. they can’t get Matty off the table and school is almost out! The students decide to try different ways to help Matty get off the table. None of the ideas work though, and Matty just ends up covered in more stuff and an even stickier mess. When Matty’s dad shows up and sees Matty, he slowly peels him off the table. “Matty, you’re a masterpiece!” his dad says! When Matty and his dad arrive home, Matty’s mother doesn’t know what to think. Matty’s dad peels the glue off of Matty’s clothes in two separate pieces and the result is a Matty shaped art project! His dad glues the two pieces back together and hangs it up on the fridge. Instead of playing with glue that night at home, the family makes art projects out of tape!
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Too Much Glue by Jason Lefebvre
ISBN: 9781936261277, unpaged full color illustrations
Children's Picture Books